Images from IiT  2012

Announcing the Ideas in Testing Research Seminar, October 11, 2013

Graduate students, researchers and testing professionals are cordially invited to attend the second Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Ideas in Testing Research Seminar.

This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students and members of the Midwest testing community to come together to discuss ideas, share expertise and develop professional relationships. The seminar will include presentations of research in progress, discussion of current trends in testing and an opportunity to meet with colleagues in a relaxed and friendly environment.


Where: McCloska Ballroom, McCormick Tribune Campus Center, 3201 S State Street, Chicago, IL 60616
When: 10:00AM to 4:30PM on October 11, 2013 (Come at 9:15 for coffee)
Who: Graduate students, researchers and testing professionals
Cost: FREE!

Schedule and Presentations

click here (opens on a new window; each talk is linked to a presentation)


Parking is available in the lot just north of the MTCC for $12. If you are arriving by public transportation, the GREEN line is closest; there is a RED line stop, but it's about a mile away.


A complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided by Pearson VUE for registered guests and thus we ask that you please reserve your seat by September 20, 2013 by emailing Kirk Becker (). Chicago possesses a rich variety of wonderful restaurants and there will be an opportunity to join your colleagues after the seminar for drinks or dinner.

Call for submissions

Submissions to the seminar are encouraged. The range of acceptable topics is broad and includes but is not limited to:

Potential presenters should submit a brief summary of the research to Alan Mead () and Kirk Becker () by August 30, 2013. Summaries should be no longer than 500 words excluding tables, figures, exhibits, or references and should describe the potential presentation.


Questions about the seminar may be directed to Alan () or Kirk (). We hope you will join us.